Sunday, January 17, 2010

Accidentally terkena 'Tag' by Zaza!! Ces... ;-p

Hahaha....! Tertagged by Zaza...Ok, here goes my Current Obsession... ;-)

D Instructions from Zaza: Answer the Current Obsession category and then explain WHY you chose that response.

Book: I don't read...But if I do, I read Twilight saga books...

Snack: I don't snack...If I do, I enjoy eating pisang goreng or kuih2 normally people eat during tea time... ;-)

Restaurant: Vin Lap...hahaha...Chinese Restaurant at my's like heaven of Chinese cuisine...quite cheap & most delicious!!! Nyum nyum! ;-)

Beverage: Everything that comes from Tea...I loike...! Tea C ping, Ice Lemon Tea, Vanilla Tea Latte, Teh Tarik, Tea O...pendek kata...semua tea...! ;p

Actor: the mo, actor that could make me drool definitely gonna be Taylor Lautner smokin' hot
body in New Moon... He's just too hot! See for yourself... Lots of my cousin said his face is typical dusun guy punya face but for me his body is wonderland!!!! Woohooo!! Hahahahaha....getekssss.... ;-) But in terms of acting skills, it's gotta be Johnny Depp...he's very talented... his performance is always a memorable one...just like his witty character in Pirates of Carribean as Captain Jack Sparrow...

Actress: Megan Fox...I adore & admire her body!!(coz she's just too hot! in Transformers & Jennifer's Body...hehe ;-) )
How I wish I could have a great body like hers!! **I wish!** ;p

Movie: The Twilight Saga (Yeah yeah...lame kan? Lovey dovey story...but I loikee!)

TV show: current obsession of a TV show? Hmm..I can watch repeated The Nanny & Friends over & over & over again...I can never bored with it! Both are old TV shows but it never stop me enjoying it all the time...always makes me laugh my a** out!

Hobby: Gymming & Singing & Dance! Ask anyone who knows me...they know what I mean...

Band: Wow..ermm last time it was Nirvana but now...Among all the bands, I love Evanescence more...their songs are 'beautiful' & sounds kinda gospel alternative & indie...there's a mixture of everything...and deep lyrics...

Song: Aiyo...alot! But I think now...I'm kinda obsessed with the Lady Gaga phenomenon...haha! I keep playing her songs in my Ipod...especially The Love Game (previously it was called Disco Stick and somehow they changed the title coz of the explicit meaning! Duh! ) Oh oh...and not forgetting Wonder girl - Nobody! Catchy song!! Haha... ;-)

Meme: I dunno what this mean... Zaza, explain pls...hahahaha! ;p

Blog: My own blog...haha! It's gotta be my listed blog course... ;)

Lover: Wooo...this is a tough Q! Well, my-ex.. Hmmm... ;-)

Friend: My current friend whom I obsessed?? All of my close frenss at the moment lah off course...*no best2 fren lagik* ahahahaha...nanti bias... ;-)

Quote: You'll Never Walk Alone...**I like this quote so much, because I know I'll never be alone as God is near... ;-) ** and also because this quote is from Liverpool fav football team last time... ;-)

Peeve: idea... ;-)

Sport: Gymming...well what else? ;p

Singer: It's gotta be Nicole Scherzinger...PCD lead singer! Hawt babe! And sings good...She got the whole package!

P/S : This is the consequences when you accidentally read other people's blog...terkena tagged...hehehe.... enjoy my answers ya! ;p
Tagged by zaza

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