Monday, December 28, 2009

Talk About Love...

Just now, after dinner with my family...I had a deep conversation with my mum about Love...'s not a topic that I can comfortably talk to mum that easy...but tonite her understanding towards my concern, my opinion & my worries was all heard...Love my mum for that...

She knows that I'm not easy to give my heart to past love life was terrible and I told her that I always have a complication in my relationship coz it involves a guy of different religion...she is very serious abt that matter...& I know it same goes to me too... But I dunno why...always end up like that...

My mum talks abt uncertainty of relationship...coz I did share to her abt a good fren of mine whom just been brokenhearted by a guy & have a difficulty of recuperating...& how to deal with broken relationship...

My mum share some of her friends stories...married but divorced, married but separated, single but loving it, spinster but loving it, married but single parent, old flame came burning with passion to married ppl etc...She have load of friends who have some weird, hurtful & wildest experiences on relationship & love...

My mum told's not that she said to entirely push a guy away...but always and she insist...ALWAYS give chance to d guy, a chance to know ppl & she said importantly, always give CHANCE to urself...

A chance to love, a chance of knowing & not to think abt it too much or push it too much...coz at the end of the day...if you give chance to love...although u find urself hurting ur is better to get hurt now rather than being hurtful bcoz of thinking abt 'What If...'

My mum advise me that love was meant to hurt you...bcos if it's not...u wouldn't feel truly or appreciate the love u have in ur heart...bcoz being in love, or in a relationship, or married, always there's sacrifice involved and it will stress u up...Being heartbroken is essential part in getting to know ppl...and she said even friends can broke a friend's u got nothing to lose if u try to be loved again or to experience's just that always think & aware abt ur consequences...and to be always realize and know what u're doing...never do careless action or thinking cos it will hurt much more worst & it will caused us to think all things negatively & down as a result, depression...when u come to that extend, there's nobody can help u with that but urself to recover back... ;)

My mum gave great advices to me, she won't put pressure on me abt getting a guy in my's just that she's worried if a guy that I will meet can really take good care of me or not & what future may hold for us...

I know it's scary & risky...and I know my mum worried & think too much abt me too...but I hope I could show & prove to them that I will be okay...whether I am alone or have someone...'s a nice feeling sharing this story with my mum... I feel close to her somehow...


Love talk

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