Thursday, February 4, 2010

All I Need Is Strength & More Faith...

I just came back from KK for my cousin's wedding & my Dad's operation...

It's a mix feeling of happy and sad at the same time...

I wanted to be supportive of my cousin's wedding but I couldn't do it 100% coz my mind was so occupied with my Dad's condition...Dodo's wedding was great and everyone were quite pleased with it...and I am very happy for her...God bless her wedding... :)

But the highlight of my presence in KK was probably for my Dad's operation...2 weeks after been diagnosed with Staged 2 Adenocarcinoma (scientific name)...

I was taking care of my dad in the hospital for a couple of days b4 I went back to KL...after his operation was a success, now it's time for 'nursing', recovering & adapting process for him...b4 his next check up & review...he was having trouble at first seeing all the stitches & staplers on his abdominal area (around 30-40cm long) & 2 small stitches on his neck & chest (for his chemoport insertion - chemotherapy to be exact)...but now he should be able to adapt to it slowly...

During my days in the hospital, besides taking care of my dad, my eyes were too 'taking care' or should I say my 'radar' was working so well, eyeing some of the cute, handsome & pretty damn attractive young doctors (housemens)...but not up to the Dr. McSteamy or McDreamy level type la...hehehe... ;-)

Mostly younger than me definitely but sure they are really an eye opener...some of the doctors really gave you the killer look..haha...& one did make me heart skip a beat, he definitely a winner that time...something sweet happened but it's for me to know & for you to find out ya... ;-P

Sempat lagi flirting whilst taking care of my dad, well, what to dad was resting on his bed, so I took slight chances to wonder around la...but flirting mode was half way switch on so much action there woohoo... hehe ;-)

But another one of the interesting event happened during my stay in the hospital was probably when a 19 yr old young guy, (whom sharing a room with my dad) vomitted a 20cm long nematodes, a common roundworms (also known as Ascaris) or in laymans language they called it, "Cacing Perut"....ya it's so true & so eeewww when I witness it with my own was half way came out from the poor guy's mouth & later was pulled by a female doctor on duty as no nurse dare to take it out from the guy's was pinkish color more like our earthworm...uurrgghh... feel like vomitting myself right now if I remember the moment back...gelliiiii eeee....

I talked to my dad & it was the best moment to be spending some time alone with my dad...seeing him with all the stitches, needles, drips & morphine injected on his body making him so weak really makes me so easily emotional & I cried few times on my own when my Dad was asleep...I tried to be strong but it is not easy as for all this while my Dad, was a strong man whom living active life, but the small stroke attack him end of Dec 08 & now this...really makes me wonder why all these can happened to someone active like him...well...I guess this is unpredictable, things happen, whether you like it or you don't, whether you are ready or not...always prepare ourselves for the worst...I love you Dad so much...though there were many undeniably bad things happen to our family, I pray, and we pray together as a family for God to protect us, strengthen our faith & to be strong for your recovery...& pray for all good & great things to come for us & for miracle... Love you so much Dad... ;'(

I'm praying...praying deeply for your recovery...

A Daughter's prayer

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