Sunday, February 7, 2010

What A Friend I Have In You...

I have had some rough times with my Dad's condition & tension that I have about my life here...lots of things to be done if I'm going back home...KK permanently...

But what kept me strong was...definitely gonna be having great supportive frens around me whom always look after me like a family...

I met some new frens...getting to know some of them...sharing stories with them... But there is this one person whom I could relate to this one quote that suit this person the goes like this;-

"The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had"

Sounds weird...but this is what I shared with that person...we could just sit there not saying anything or less talking I'd say...& once we walked away...I felt a huge relief & happy just be there with that was nice feeling...I never felt that b4 with anyone...but with that person...I felt great...

It was a coincidence we grown close, but I never doubted that you could be a best kind of friend to make me happier, you make me feel better in my cloudy days & you put a shelter & pillar for me to lean on...we may seldom spend time with each other...but everytime I gotta chance, I wouldn't want to miss it...

I always end up having a blast with you as you 'spoilt' me so much already...haha! ;-p

I would honestly missed our hangout times after moving to KK later...& I may cry horribly...even at this moment...

Thanks dear...for everything...meant it from the heart...

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