Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wake Me Up When September Ends...

I am quite bored with my life right now...but really hecticly busy with my lah happen if ada festive season and malays dominan in my company....semua org terpaksa keja...tapi...tidak apa...positive attitude...*tunggu masa time saya Christmas hehehe*...

Anyway, I'm so in the mood to write today after a long agonizing day in the office...kesian my admin...satu org ja buat keja for 4 ppl...sedey...tapi mau buat camna kan...? Hehehe...Saya pun macam tu...Buat keja for 3 person lah konon...hehe...actually not really...lepas keja bagi org junior apa salahnya kan? Huhuhu... jahat kah? No lah...let them learn mah kan? Hihihi....*grin* the mood to write but dunno what to write...camna tu?

My mood is quite good today...though like always...ada ja benda remeh temeh bole spoilkan my mood? But I'll be fine...mcm abit relax and calm pun ada...maybe coz I found something to ease me...yes definitely...

Okay...I think I know what to write...after I saw my title for this post *saja2 tulis title camtu* but I think I know why I write that title...

I don't like this year September 2009...banyak lah benda berlaku, if I mentioned one by one, nanti org ckp draggy, dramedy atau zzzZZZZzzzz.....hehehee...I think my previous2 post pun ada cerita kan? But one particular thing that I really hate about September 2009 was supposed to be MY month...coz it's the month that I was born 28 years mum said, when she was carrying me, she likes to go to Indian Restaurant or Mamak...bcoz she was always somehow 'driven' by the smell of Curry...Whenever passing by an Indian restaurant, mesti dia stop and mau makan... so...makan Roti Canai and Curry almost every mum also recalled my late Uncle Tony once said jokingly to my mum, "Tidak hairan lah if anak ko keluar nanti mesti kulit dia hitam and banyak bulu mcm org india...hahaha!"....I hate it...kenapa lah my late uncle ckp tu came true...? My mum ckp lagi..."Ko juga yg mau makan...mum terpaksa makan lah for u, if not mummy cannot even telan benda lain...ndak sah kalau tidak pigi kedai India..."....Betul juga my mum punya cakap...tapi...kenapa lah saya tidak teringin makan western food kah, peranakan food kah least...keluar2 dari perut my mum, terkeluar muka ala Maya Karin kan? kan? kan? Macam org mix lah bah kan...sudah banyak keturunan mix pun teda guna...

Oh ya...I am mixed blood bah actually, my mum side is keturunan Ceylonese Murut (Ceylonese is Sri Lankan blood ler) from my late mum also said my late grandfather Kadazan but mungkin ada darah Phillipines...they don't know for sure...hmmm..

anyway my father side, Dusun asli lah org cakap, my late grandfather from Sandakan and my late grandmother from an ulu place, high on top of the hills, sacred place named Tirian and Buaian...some myth says that the place is so deserted and they are still ppl/my relatives living there in a very old way of living/kuno la...I would love to go there one day but they said the place is so far u have to walk by foot for at least 5 hours coz it's so deep in the jungle...eeee excited saya mau pigi...hehehe...adventure..! My father was told by his late mother that her bloodline have Japanese blood...*zaman perang lah bah..kahwin org jepun hehe*

Banyak2 mix saya...tapi keluar kulit hitam, gemuk, pendek, cute *ini mesti*...but my bro, hensem, putih, tinggi, kurus...aduiii.... ndak bersyukur lah org bilang... hahaha... mmm...but I am proud to be a daughter of a very loving mum and dad...

Panjang pula cerita pasal bloodline saya...heheh...okay...September 10 was my birthday...but my mum suffered almost 1 day before she delivered me..she was in labor pain since night on 9 Sept *water bag broke*...and delivered me safely only around 6pm on the 10 mum suffer the pain so long...saya pun takut dengar... mum is a very strong individual...and for me she's my perfect supermum...!

Well, alot of things happened b4 and after my birthday this year...let me tell one of the saddest bro, was giving me a suprise birthday gift for me...I didn't know that he actually bought me a handphone and couriered the phone to me...I was shocked to know...but to make long story short, my bro just on his bad luck I think, the phone was 'suprisingly' not in the shipping during courier...and my mum currently investigating about it...and my bro, who was really crushed, saddened by this....I know his gesture was pure, honest, and loving...I was moved by the way he wants to suprise me... I am sad because he uses alot of money to buy me that phone...quite expensive...but my mum determined somehow to look for the culprit as she believe someone in the courier service is doing something 'fishy'...well, truth prevails... we'll see..

But for me; mum, dad and bro ; u guys are my gift in nature already... a great gift from God... more than enough for me... ;)

And that phone was the only gift that really make me won't be happening...but at least I know my bro really cared about me, he was saying to me the other day..." Bah, bukan ko kah yg ajar saya...? Simpan duit, bagi mummy and daddy duit, cari gf kaya *mesti! so that my bro no need to spoil her hehe*...and duit lain2 belanja...itu lah yg saya buat"...he listen to my advice...although he was more like a big brother to me, coz saya yg selalu mau manja sama dia...hahahah...kan? ;)

Anyway, thats the real reason why I want to 'wake up' when September ends...coz this year's September is a nightmare for me...

But what I know for sure in any month or year....forever...I will always love my parents and my younger brother first in my life.... Love u guys and missing u guys so so much.... Muuuaaaahhhh.... ;)

A daughter to my loving parents and a big sis to my handsome bro.... ;)

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